About the Lodge

Charterhouse Deo Dante Dedi Lodge was founded in 1901 and is lodge number 2885 on the register of the United Grand Lodge of England. The Lodge is composed of Old Carthusians and Masters and Officers, present and past, of Charterhouse School, Godalming, Surrey as well as Brothers and Officers of Sutton's Hospital in Charterhouse, London. The Lodge has always maintained a close link with the School in Godalming through the membership of the teaching staff and it also has a proud tradition of encouraging qualified Brothers of Sutton's Hospital to join, either in an active or an honorary capacity.

Did you know ...

"Godge" is a Carthusian nickname for Godalming (three syllables is a bit much)


The Lodge meets four times a year at the London Charterhouse on the third Thursday in January, March and November and on the third Thursday in May when the new Worshipful Master is installed. Lodge meetings are held in the Great Chamber on the first floor, where in former times the Governors of Charterhouse held their assemblies.

For some years the Lodge has made a practice of holding an additional, Emergency Meeting at the School, usually during the autumn months, when after a meeting in Armoury, the Lodge is fortunate to dine by candlelight in Brooke Hall.

Since its Consecration the members of the Lodge have numbered, on average, 40. We are always happy to welcome new members.

Dining & Open Evenings

More details are given here, but after every Regular Meeting at the London Charterhouse, the Lodge dines in the Library, once the monastic refectory and later Gownboy Hall, where members and their guests enjoy excellent food accompanied by fine wines and liqueurs from the Lodge's own cellar.

OCs and members of Brooke Hall and their guests, whether masons or not, girls and boys, will always be welcome to join us at dinner on most of these occasions. Dates are available from the Lodge Secretary and are announced on our notice-board on the site front-page, in the OC magazine and newsletters, as well as posted in Brooke Hall.

How to join

Membership is open to men of 18 years and over who are Old Carthusians or Masters or Officers of Charterhouse School, Godalming, and to Brothers and Officers of Sutton's Hospital in Charterhouse, London. Application for membership, either as a new Mason or as a joining member for Master Masons, should be made to the Secretary.


If you are disappointed that you cannot join this Lodge but are interested in joining Freemasonry, our Secretary can direct you to the Order of Women Freemasons.