
The United Grand Lodge of England; our ultimate parent organisation.

The Charterhouse DDD Lodge is proud to help UGLE celebrate 300 years of English Freemasonry in 2017.

The School

The membership of the Lodge is drawn from Old Carthusians (former pupils) and past and present members of Brooke Hall (teachers and staff of the school).

If you fit one of these categories and would like to know more, or possibly come along to one of our dinners as a non-member, or might even like to join, please let our secretary know.

School Crest displayed in Wikipedia

The London Charterhouse

The original location of the school and "an almshouse for poor brethren".  Now formally known as "Sutton's Hospital in Charterhouse" it retains it's original mission as an almshouse.  This provides the historical location for the lodge's regular meetings where we are able to throughly enjoy the outstanding fare created by their chef and presented by their wonderful events team.

Their next major project is to open a display, in conjunction with the Museum of London, called "Revealing Charterhouse".  Give them a visit!

The PSLC represents the common interests of 33 affiliated public school lodges.  Each year one of these lodges hosts the festival - the main event in their and the PSLC calendar.  It is the turn of Charterhouse DDD in 2017. We will hand the torch over to the Old Cliftonians for 2018. Public School Lodges' Council

Carthusian Holy Royal Arch Chapter

The Royal Arch is the continuation of Craft Freemasonry.  In England, this is considered the completion of "pure ancient Masonry" for those who have received the three degrees in Craft.

The Carthusian Royal Arch Chapter was founded in 1905 and is not restricted to members of the Charterhouse Lodge; being quite open minded it even contains a good number of Old Wykehamists, as well as Rugbeians, Cliftonians, Harrovians and others.

The Chapter meets on the third Wednesday in February, April and the first Thursday in October at 10 Duke Street, St. James's, London SWI. Dinners after the meetings are held at the In & Out or the Oxford and Cambridge Club. Further details are available from the Secretary.

The Lodge works closely with the United Grand Lodge of England's University Scheme, established in 2006 by the RW Assistant Grand Master "to establish and/or enhance the opportunities for undergraduates and other university members to join and enjoy freemasonry", and assists those who qualify for membership of this Lodge to join University lodges or to join this Lodge on coming down from University.

The Universities Scheme

Metropolitan Grand Lodge

CDDD is a London lodge, which means we work closely with the Metropolitan Grand Lodge, and have made a proud contribution to their current nominated charity, the London Air Ambulance.  If you look closely, you may even spot the Square and Compasses on the door of their new helo.

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey

CDDD's occasionally peripatetic existence can bring us into the realm of the Provincial Grand Master of Surrey - as it will do for the 2017 PSLC Festival.  We are very grateful for his indulgence of our wanderings.